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Research Interest


My primary research interest is in the area of geriatric pharmacy particularly on drug safety especially on the occurrence of adverse drug reactions in the older population. Beyond this, I have an active research profile in the development and validation of risk stratification tool to prevent the occurrence of ADR, working with some of the leading research groups which are part of European network of excellence called GerontoNet. I was involved in a collaborative study conducted in different centres across Europe (Rome, Rotherdam, Gent, and Brighton). I also have interest in the drug use issues in older people.

Research Colloborators
  1. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, King’s College London, UK

  2. Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex, UK

  3. College of Pharmacy, Qatar University, Qatar

  4. Mahasarakham University, Thailand.

  5. Monash University Malaysia

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